Executive summary
Aleksey Koterov joined the financial and economic sector in 1999. He has an impressive track record of work at leading international audit companies. He managed audit and financial consulting projects, including support of client companies in the course of placement of bond-secured loans and implementation of PPP projects.
In 2006 he joined Unicon and today oversees projects involving preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRSs and US GAAP, optimisation of companies’ financial structures and operations, assessment and improvement of companies’ internal control, and transaction support.
He specialises in providing audit services to manufacturing enterprises and companies of forest, pulp and paper, chemical, metal and mining industries.
Professional affiliations
Auditor uniform qualification certificate (new form)
Member of the Self-regulatory organization of auditors Association «Sodruzhestvo» (SRO AAS)
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Accounting and Audit Department (Accountant and Economist)