Executive summary
Anton Efremov has been working in finance and economics since 1994. He joined Unicon in 2009.
Anton specialises in providing audit and consulting services to listed companies whose securities are traded on stock exchanges, companies preparing for IPOs, public interest entities operating in various economic sectors, including banks and financial companies.
The main areas of his professional activity are audit of financial statements in accordance with FAS, Industry-specific Accounting Standards and IFRS, consulting support to the financial sector companies on matters of financial and management reporting, and due diligence assignments.
Professional affiliations
Auditor uniform qualification certificate (new form)
General audit certificate issued for unlimited period
Banking audit certificate issued for unlimited period
Certificate of Moscow State University “Corporate Director”
Certified Public Accountant (СРА)
Member of the Self-regulatory organization of auditors Association «Sodruzhestvo» (SRO AAS)
Member of the Association of Independent Directors
Member of the Listing Experts Board of the Moscow Exchange
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economist