Executive summary
Denis Taradov has been working in finance and economics since 2001. In 2005, he joined Unicon and today heads Financial Sector Services, specialising in audits to financial sector entities such as banks, investment and leasing companies, and funds.
He focuses on management of audit and consulting projects, solution of complicated issues in the area of IFRS and RAS, due diligence services to financial institutions, transaction support to Eurobonds and bonds issuance in the internal market, preparation and delivery of trainings to clients on matters of IFRS application.
Denis is a seasoned expert in financial sector issues for mass media and a regular speaker at industry conferences.
Professional affiliations
Auditor uniform qualification certificate (new form)
Qualification certificate for audit of exchanges, extra-budgetary funds and investment institutions
Qualification certificate for banking audit
Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (АССА)
Member of the Self-regulatory organization of auditors Association «Sodruzhestvo» (SRO AAS)
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Economist